Blink Chair (Metastasis)
Philosophical Furniture: A Tool for Aesthetic Practice
Port Aransas, Texas, 2003 — 2005
Elevation: 2.13 m (6,988 ft)
Blink Chair (Metastasis), 2003 — 2005
The places we inhabit.
Open-ended analysis.
New meanings.
New poetries.
The device, Blink Chair (metastasis) is a tool for observation and for the provocation of questions. It serves as an aid to reveal change over time within one site and between separate sites.
The whole is not the sum of its parts, but that which emerges through a careful reading of the parts.
Walking upright is one of the hallmarks of being a hominid. Standing, sitting or walk- ing depends upon maintaining this upright position.
The horizon follows the eyes.
To float in the space of metastability, narrowly escaping the tethers of gravity.
Free Fall
In the approach to the moment of landing and to regain balance, the body will reveal its essential nature.
Moment by moment a whole is woven.
Can we affect landscape change without bulldozers and tractors, but through offering new ways of seeing, reading or hearing the landscapes that already exist?
standing on one’s hands one can reinvent the world.
Visit again that which we think we know.
G a p s
in language, in consciousness.
InSites: Port Aransas, Texas, 2004
Falling Horizon. Panorama Cycle: Port Aransas, Texas, 2004
A Tool for Aesthetic Practice
Minimal Intervention
Philosophical Furniture
Physical Koan
Mental Typologies
Semantic Spaces
Linguistic Gaps
Embodied Inversion
Perceptual Thresholds
Perceptual Phaenomena
Fig 1: Poem Intersects Chair, Set Theoretic Equation
Fig 2: Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space, 1958